Vanessa (23) and Angela Simmons (19), known to television viewers from their appearances on their father Rev. Run's wildly popular MTV reality series, Run's House, are intelligent and ambitious ladies, who collaborated in the design of their footwear line. Vanessa is the oldest child in the Simmons family; she's enrolled at St. John's University, with a Business Communication major, and is due to graduate in the fall. A Ford model and aspiring actress, Vanessa was recently featured in a national Verizon commercial, and was named one of Maxim magazine's "Hot 100" for 2006. Angela is a fashionista, and attends the prestigious Fashion Institute of Technology. She appears in rapper Bow Wow's Shortie Like Mine video and also recently launched a new teen magazine called Angela's RunDown, which covers music, fashion and style. The siblings, along with their father, mom Justine, and three younger brothers JoJo, Diggy and Russy, will once again light up TV screens with the season premiere of Run's House on MTV in the spring. Viewers will not only witness the birth of Pastry Footwear, they'll see Vanessa and Angela demonstrate their baking skills in the forthcoming season.
The talented pair are keeping it all in the family, as they debut the appetizing Pastry Footwear Cake Collection and join their father, their Uncle Russell Simmons and Aunt Kimora Lee Simmons in stylishly outfitting consumers' feet.